Income Tax Severed Letters - 2001-10-12


2001 Ruling 2001-0076353 - Cross-border Triangular Merger

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Principal Issues: various issues on cross-border triangular merger

Position: see issue sheet

Reasons: see issue sheet

2001 Ruling 2001-0090553 - GIFT SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS

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110.1(1) 118.1(1) 15(1) 149.1(1)

Principal Issues:

1) Whether a donation constitutes a gift for ITA purposes when the donation is subject to various conditions; 2) Where a corporation, its controlling shareholder and private foundation enter into an agreement with respect to a donation will subsection 15(1) apply to include the amount of the donation made by the corporation in the shareholder's income; 3) whether the undertaking to make the donation and the making of the donation by the private foundation will constitute a personal benefit conferred on a member of the foundation for the purposes of the definition "charitable foundation".

Position: 1)Yes; 2) No; 3) No


2001 Ruling 2001-0071383 F - Vente Actions & Convention Actionnaires

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84.1 84(3) 245(2)

Principales Questions:
Application de l'article 84.1 de la Loi

Position Adoptée:
Décisions favorables accordées.

1999 Ruling 9918313 - REORGANIZATION

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Principal Issues: standard ruling



Ministerial Correspondence

19 October 2001 Ministerial Correspondence 2001-0102584 - DISABILITY TAX CREDIT

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Principal Issues: disability tax credit

Position: general comments

Reasons: 118.3
SECTION: 118.3

16 October 2001 Ministerial Correspondence 2001-0101314 - Taxation of Property Leaving Canada

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Please note that the following document, although believed to be correct at the time of issue, may not represent the current position of the CCRA.

Prenez note que ce document, bien qu'exact au moment émis, peut ne pas représenter la position actuelle de l'ADRC.


October 16, 2001



The Honourable Martin Cauchon, Minister of National Revenue, has asked me to reply to your letter of August 22, 2001, concerning a particular taxpayer's income tax affairs and the current court challenge related to this matter.

12 October 2001 Ministerial Correspondence 2001-0099384 - RRSP QUALIFIED INVESTMENT

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Principal Issues:
Can an RRSP hold deposits of foreign currency as qualified investments?


Legislation enacted June 14, 2001 retroactive to June 27, 1999.

10 October 2001 Ministerial Correspondence 2001-0098674 - Interest Free Loan to Non-resident Trust

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69(3) 247(2)

Principal Issues: seeking clarification of the comments in E 2000-0023997 on the application of the transfer pricing rules to an interest free loan to an immigration trust

Position: matter is currently under review by the International Tax Operations Directorate

Reasons: While the transfer pricing rules may apply as a result of the lack of interest charged on the loans, the responsibility for the administration of the transfer pricing rules rests with the International Tax Operations Directorate

19 September 2001 Ministerial Correspondence 2001-0091864 - INSURANCE POLICYHOLDER TAXATION

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Principal Issues: Questions raised respecting the taxation of amounts paid to policyholder on endowment of policy.

Position: Submission is brief and not entirely clear as to issues. Reply provides general comments on the taxation of accrued savings in insurance policies, the tax treatment of policy dividends and the computation of a policy's cost base.

Reasons: Comments are based on section 148 of Act. Specific concerns as to amounts reported to policyholder must be referred to insurer. Concerns respecting scheme of Act must be referred to Department of Finance.

19 September 2001 Ministerial Correspondence 2001-0097104 - Foreign Spin-off Election Date

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Principal Issues: Will CCRA grant extensions of time for filing the foreign spin-off election?

Position: no

Reasons: New section 86.1 of the Act has not been added to the list of 86.1prescribed elections under Regulation 600.

Technical Interpretation - External

31 October 2001 External T.I. 2001-0104765 - SUBSTANTIAL CANADIAN PRESENCE

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206(1.1)(d)(ii) 206(1.1)(d)(iii)(C)

Principal Issues:
1. Whether services rendered to a subject corporation by the employees or partners of a 3rd party corporation or partnership are services of "other individuals" for the purposes of clause 206(1.1)(d)(iii)(C)?
2. Whether a registered office maintained in the office of the subject corporation's Canadian lawyer is an "office" for purposes of subparagraph 206(1.1)(d)(ii)?

1. Yes.
2. Yes, where the registered office is required by the subject corporation's constating documents.

1. Use of the words "other individuals" in clause 206(1.1)(d)(iii)(C) means an employer/employee relationship is not required. Only a relationship between the expenses incurred and the services provided is needed.
2. A physical address for notice or service constitutes the necessary Canadian connection in the context of subparagraph 206(1.1)(d)(ii).

31 October 2001 External T.I. 2001-0104605 - RRIF TRANSFER TO ESTATE

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146.3(6) 160.2

Principal Issues:

1. The value of a RRIF is included in the income of a deceased annuitant at the time of death. The RRIF is passed through the estate to the deceased's adult children. All other assets of the deceased were owned jointly with the deceased's spouse so they do not become part of the estate. Is the deceased's estate wholly responsible for the tax assessed or can the taxes be paid with property that passed directly to the joint tenant?

2. Is there any way of obtaining other relief?


1. Provided a detailed explanation of the provisions of the Act that may apply to the situation and referred to other provisions that might also apply.

2. It was not clear what other income sources the deceased had at the time of death. It is possible some relief is available through the filing of special returns. We referred the writer to the Guide on preparing returns for deceased persons.


30 October 2001 External T.I. 2001-0100555 F - PERTE ET REER

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40(3.4) 40(2) 40(2)(g)(i)

Principale Question:

Dans la situation où une société détenue en propriété exclusive par un particulier vend des actions d'une société publique à la fiducie régie par un REER du particulier, la perte en capital sera-t-elle réputée nulle?

Position Adoptée:

Analyse législative.

XXXXXXXXXX 2001-010055
L. J. Roy, CGA
Le 30 octobre 2001

30 October 2001 External T.I. 2001-0070655 F - COMMISSION VENDEUR D'ASSURANCE-VIE

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9(1) 6(1)(a)

Principales Questions: Est-ce qu'une commission reçue par un travailleur autonome, qui est courtier d'assurance-vie, suite à la vente d'une police d'assurance-vie dont il est propriétaire est imposable?

Position Adoptée: En général non. Toutefois, si le montant de la commission est substantiel ou important, nous sommes d'avis que la somme est imposable comme revenu d'entreprise.

30 October 2001 External T.I. 2001-0098175 - redemption of prefered shares

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Principal Issues: The tax consequences of redemption of preferred shares

Position: Subsection 84.1(1) will be applicable and will limit the PUC. 84.1Consequently, there will be a deemed dividend on the redemption.

Reasons: Application of 84.1

29 October 2001 External T.I. 2001-0093655 - COMMUNAL ORGAN. INCOME

Principal Issues: Whether amounts paid by a company to communal organization individuals are employment income or income of a corporation of which the individuals are shareholders

Position: question of fact

Reasons: who was contracted to do the work

29 October 2001 External T.I. 2001-0099135 - RRSP FOREIGN PROPERTY TAX

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Principal Issues: For purposes of calculating tax on excess foreign content pursuant to 206(2), when is a share that is foreign property considered to have been acquired, on the record date or the date the shares are delivered?

Position: Shares are considered to be acquired on the date the shares are delivered.

Reasons: All attributes of ownership are not acquired until the date the shares are delivered.

29 October 2001 External T.I. 2001-0096315 - RRSP

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Principal Issues: Can a minor child open an RRSP?

Position: Yes.

Reasons: There is nothing in the Income Tax Act, which prevents a minor from being the annuitant of an RRSP. However, under common law, a minor is generally precluded from entering into a binding contract; in which case, the person who can legally bind the minor (i.e. the parent or legal guardian of the minor) would enter into the RRSP contract on the minor's behalf.

29 October 2001 External T.I. 2001-0105095 - RETIRING ALLOWANCE

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Principal Issues: 1. Where a business is acquired by a new employer, can the employees employed in the business use the years of service while the business was operated by the old employer in calculating the amount of a retiring allowance, received from the new employer, which is eligible for roll-over to an RRSP? 2. Will the years of service with the old employer be allowed in the calculation where the new employer's pension plan recognizes years of service with the old employer?

Position: Yes, under the conditions described in either 1. or 2. above.

Reasons: Paragraphs 60(j.1)(iv) and (v).

29 October 2001 External T.I. 2001-0092035 F - association related persons

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256(1.4)(a) 256(5)(b)

Principal Issues: Why CCRA in document F 9820337 stated that the position on the application of 251(5)(b) in document E 9421285 is not relevant in applying 256(1.4)(a) ?

Position: The presumptions created under these provisions are not identical and apply for different purposes.

Reasons: The law.

29 October 2001 External T.I. 2001-0105205 - SELF FUNDED LEAVE OF ABSENCE

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REG 6801(a)

Principal Issues: Can a member of a self-funded leave plan work for his or her employer during the period of leave with no income tax consequence?

Position: Yes.

Reasons: The plan is not a 6801(a) plan. The period of leave is funded with tax-paid dollars. No salary was deferred.

29 October 2001 External T.I. 2001-0092985 - INDIVIDUAL DISABILITY INSURANCE POLICIES

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Principal Issues: Whether or not we will apply paragraph 56(1)(d) to periodic payments received under a disability policy.

Position: No

Reasons: Our current practice has been not to apply paragraph 56(1)(d) to these payments.

25 October 2001 External T.I. 2001-0096065 - RRSP QUALIFIED INVESTMENT

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146(9) 146(1) REG 4900

Principal Issues: What are the income tax implications where an RRSP holds shares of a CCPC (which is a qualified investment) and the CCPC becomes bankrupt?

Position: 1. The CCPC will continue to be a qualified investment for the RRSP unless the CCPC is legally dissolved. 2. The shares of the CCPC will continue to be carried at cost to the RRSP.3. The shares can be sold out of the RRSP at fair market value (which may be nil or nominal for a bankrupt corporation).

Reasons: 1. The change in status of the CCPC to a bankrupt corporation does not affect its status as a qualified investment for an RRSP. 2. The change in status of the CCPC will not, in and by itself, change the cost of the CCPC shares to the RRSP. 3. Subsection 146(9) will cause an income inclusion to the annuitant equal to the difference between the fair market value of the shares of the CCPC at the time they are disposed of by the RRSP and any consideration received by the RRSP on the disposition.

25 October 2001 External T.I. 2001-0098205 - DSLP - UNPAID LEAVE OF ABSENCE

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REG 6801(1)(v) 248(1)

Principal Issues: Would the conditions in 6801(a)(v) be satisfied if the employee takes an unpaid leave of absence for the balance of the return period and was given credit for the time under the pension plan.

Position: No

Reasons: The provision requires that the participant return to his or her regular employment with the employer or another employer that participates in the same or similar arrangement for a period that is not less than the period of leave. An unpaid leave would not satisfy this condition.

25 October 2001 External T.I. 2001-0098465 - SPOUSAL OR COMMON-LAW PARTNER PLANS

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146(1) 146(8.7)(e) 146(8.8) 146.3(5.1)

Principal Issues:
1. Can an RRSP or RRIF that is not a spousal or common-law partner ("CLP") plan receive a transfer from a spousal or CLP plan after a marriage breakdown?
2. Must the issuer maintain the designation of the plan as a spousal or CLP plan after the annuitant has died?

1. Yes, but the transferee plan becomes a spousal or CLP plan.
2. No.

1. The definition of a "spousal or common-law partner plan" in subsection 146(1) of the Act is clear.
2. At death the annuitant may be deemed by subsection 146(8.8) to receive an amount, however, paragraph 146(8.7)(e) provides that the attribution rules are not applicable to such an amount.

24 October 2001 External T.I. 2001-0074385 F - GAINS ET PERTES EN CAPITAL

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Principales Questions:
Comment déterminer le taux d'inclusion de l'élément B de la formule au paragraphe 96(1.7), suite aux modifications du taux d'inclusion des gains en capital ?

Position Adoptée:
Le taux d'inclusion est celui de la société pour son année au cours de laquelle la période d'imposition de la société de personnes prend fin.

24 October 2001 External T.I. 2001-0100545 - TAXATION OF IRA WITHDRAWALS

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REG 6803 56(1)(a)(i)(C.1)

Principal Issues: Is an amount received out of an U.S. IRA taxable when the recipient is a Canadian resident

Position: Yes, if the IRA is considered to be a FRA

Reasons: The amount received is taxable pursuant to clause 56(1)(a)(i)(C.1) of the Act. There is no provision in the Act allowing for the deduction of contributions made to the IRA while the person was resident in the U.S.

24 October 2001 External T.I. 2001-0088295 - RESIDENCES OWNED PRIOR TO 1982

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54 40(4) 40(2)(b)

Principal Issues: Two individuals, who are spouses and have owned a cottage and a home since some time prior to 1972, have asked about designating the two units with respect to the principal residence exemption for the years 1972 to 1981 (these two individuals have no plans to sell either of the two properties at his time).

Position: It is not possible to designate the two properties at this time. Some general comments with respect to the eventual designation of two properties were also provided.

Reasons: Pursuant to Regulation 2301, a taxpayer's designation of a property as a principal residence for one or more taxation years is to be made in his or her income tax return for the taxation year in which he or she has disposed of the property or granted an option to another person to acquire the property.

24 October 2001 External T.I. 2001-0103785 - PENSION TAX CREDIT

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118(3) 118(7)

Principal Issues:
Will a payment from an RRSP or RRIF received by a taxpayer under the age of 65 that is not as a consequence of the death of the taxpayer's spouse or CLP qualify for the pension credit under subsection 118(3) of the Act?

Position: No.

Payments from an RRSP or RRIF are not payments in respect of a life annuity out of or under a superannuation or pension plan.

24 October 2001 External T.I. 2001-0099085 - indian band corporations

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Principal Issues: Is a corporation that operates off reserve, and that is owned by an Indian band that qualifies as a municipality, exempt by virtue of 149(1)(d) for the years subsequent to the Otineka Development Corporation Limited court case and prior to 1999 when paragraph 149(1)(d.5) was introduced.

Position: The fact that a corporation may carry on activities off-reserve will not, in and by itself, prevent the corporation from qualifying for the exemption provided in former paragraph 149(1)(d) of the Act.

Reasons: Reasons given by the court in Otineka and former 149(1)(d) did not contain restrictions related to income from activities carried on outside the municipality's geographical boundaries.

24 October 2001 External T.I. 2001-0105435 - SUPERFICIAL LOSS - RRSP TRUST

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251.1 40(2)(g)(i)

Principal Issues: Where an individual disposes of shares at a loss and an RRSP trust subsequently acquires the shares, will subparagraph 40(2)(g)(i) apply to deny the loss?

Position: No. However, GAAR may apply

Reasons: The acquisition of shares by the RRSP trust within 30 days of the initial disposition would not constitute an acquisition of the property by an "affiliated person".

23 October 2001 External T.I. 2001-0104745 - ASSOCIATED CORPORATIONS

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Principal Issues:
Are two corporations associated pursuant to section 256 in specific fact situations?

Position: Question of Fact.

May be associated under paragraphs 256(1)(b), (c), (d) & (e) where de facto control exists.

23 October 2001 External T.I. 2001-0090295 F - choix de ne plus être une société publique

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89(1) 4800(2)(b)regl 4800(1)regl

Principales Questions: Est-il possible pour une société, dans une situation donnée, d'effectuer le choix de ne plus être une société publique prévu au sous-alinéa c)(i) de la définition de "société publique" ("public corporation") au paragraphe 89(1) de la Loi.

Position Adoptée: Oui. L'expression "dirigeant d'une société" devrait s'interpréter selon le sens donné au terme "initié" par la Loi canadienne sur les sociétés par actions.

23 October 2001 External T.I. 2001-0104855 - associated corporations

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256(1) 256(2.1)

Principal Issues: Whether, in a particular situation, corporations are associated with each other under section 256 of the Act. Person requesting technical interpretation believes so. Main impact in the circumstances would be the allocation of the $200,000 business limit between the corporations involved.

Position: Yes.

Reasons: Applying the general factors described in paragraph 23 of IT-64R4 to the factual situation, the two corporations seem to be associated with each other.

23 October 2001 External T.I. 2001-0092025 F - Fonds commun de placement à risques

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Principales Questions: Caractérisation, pour les fins de la Loi de l'impôt sur le revenu, d'un Fonds Commun de Placement à Risques constitué en vertu du droit français.

Position Adoptée: Les porteurs de parts d'un tel fonds détiennent en copropriété chacun des biens détenus par le fonds. Un tel fonds ne constitue pas, pour les fins de la Loi de l'impôt sur le revenu, une société, une fiducie ou une société de personnes.

23 October 2001 External T.I. 2001-0096525 F - transfer and loans to corp-attribution rules

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74.4(2) 74.4(4) 248(1)

Principal Issues: Does subsection 74.4(2) of the Act Apply in three scenarios submitted. 1) Discretionary trust holds the new common shares; beneficiaries are the major children of the individual and his wife. However, wife not entitled to income or capital before the death of the individual. 2) Discretionary trust, the beneficiaries of which are the major children, holds 90,1% of the new common shares; wife holds directly 9,9% of common shares. 3) Discretionary trust holds 90,1% of the new common shares; beneficiaries are the major children of the individual and his wife. However, wife not entitled to income or capital before death of the individual. Wife also holds directly 9,9% of the common shares.

Position: 74.4(2) of the Act would not apply in the first two scenarios. However, 74.4(2) of the Act may be applicable in the third scenario while husband is alive.

Reasons: Technically, wife could be a "specified shareholder" in the third scenario by virtue of paragraph (e) of the definition of "specified shareholder" in subsection 248(1) of the Act.

23 October 2001 External T.I. 2001-0074885 F - LOCAL DE TRAVAIL A DOMICILE

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Principales Questions:
Est-ce que des représentants qui ont pour tâche principale de visiter des clients de leur territoire respectif peuvent réclamer des dépenses pour local de travail à domicile ?

Position Adoptée:

23 October 2001 External T.I. 2000-0052505 - Trust Becoming Resident in Canada

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75(2) 104(13) 107 126(1)

Principal Issues: An individual becomes resident in Canada. This individual is the settlor and sole trustee of a trust. The individual may receive part of the income and the capital of the trust. On death of the settlor, the residue of the trust is to be transferred to a non-resident beneficiary. Specific questions on some of the fiscal consequences for the individual and the trust if the trust becomes resident in Canada or does not become resident in Canada.

Position: General comments.

Reasons: Insufficient facts.

23 October 2001 External T.I. 2001-0098565 - RRSP FOREIGN PROPERTY

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Principal Issues:
1. Are shares of a particular corporation that migrated from Canada foreign property?
2. If yes, is the cost amount of the shares determined at the time the shares were acquired or at the time they become foreign property?

1. It is a question of fact whether a share of a corporation is a foreign property, but in the particular case, the website of the corporation states its shares are foreign property.
2. The cost amount of a share held as a capital property is based on the ACB of the share, which is, in turn, based on the cost of the share when it was acquired.

1. Review of available facts. The particular corporation would have to confirm the basis of the published comments.
2. There are no provisions to adjust the cost amount when a share becomes a foreign property.

22 October 2001 External T.I. 2001-0070715 F - ALLOCATIONS AUTOMOBILES

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153(1) 6(1)b)(x)

Principales Questions:
Est-ce qu'un employeur doit faire des retenues d'impôt en vertu du paragraphe 153(1) à l'égard d'une allocation automobile fixe versée mensuellement lorsqu'en fin d'année, il inclut au T4 de l'employé visé, l'excédent de cette allocation totale sur la somme que l'employé aurait dû recevoir compte tenu des kilomètres parcourus pour affaires ?

Position Adoptée:

18 October 2001 External T.I. 2001-0100495 - LOCATION AVEC OPTION D'ACHAT

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REG 1100(16) REG 1101(5c)

Principales Questions: Quel est le traitement fiscal d'une location avec option d'achat d'un bien lorsque les paragraphes 1101(5c) et 1100(16) du Règlement s'appliquent?

Position Adoptée: La question de savoir si un contrat est une convention de bail ou un contrat de vente doit être résolue sur la base des rapports juridiques créés par les termes d'une entente. L'amortissement doit être calculé de la manière prescrite.

15 October 2001 External T.I. 2001-0086785 - RRSP "DEREGISTERED" BY ISSUER

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Principal Issues: Can an RRSP issuer "deregister" an RRSP trust if the RRSP administration fees are not paid?

Position: This is not governed by the Income Tax Act.

Reasons: The rights and obligations of the issuer are as set out in the declaration of trust.

15 October 2001 External T.I. 2001-0098315 F - PLACEMENT ADMISSIBLE REER

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REG 4901(2.2)

Principales Questions: Pour les fins du paragraphe 4901(2.2) du Règlement, faut-il tenir compte des droits d'acquérir des actions en vertu d'une clause de premier refus?

Position Adoptée: Cela dépend des faits

15 October 2001 External T.I. 2000-0037355 - Trust Company

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Principal Issues: (i) Issue relating to the meaning of "trust company" in subsection 95(1) and paragraph 95(2)(l); (ii) Whether an Alberta trust corporation not authorized to carry on a deposit-taking business would qualify as a "trust company" for purposes of paragraph 95(2)(l).

Position: (i) General comments provided on subsection 95(1), paragraph 95(2)(l), Canadian Payments Association Act; (ii) Yes, although we have not considered how GAAR might apply.

Reasons: (i) The definition in subsection 95(1) is inclusive and includes a "loan company" defined in the Canadian Payments Association Act or a "trust company", not necessarily a "trust company" as defined by the Canadian Payments Association Act; (ii) On the assumption that the business of the Alberta trust corporation is subject by law to the supervision of a Alberta regulating authority similar to the Superintendent of Financial Institutions.

14 October 2001 External T.I. 2001-0098185 - TRANSFER OF LIFE INS. TO CHILD

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148(8) 148(4)

Principal Issues: Whether possible to rollover interest in life insurance policy to minor child if parent is the insured.

Position: No

Reasons: 148(8) only permits rollover when child is insured.

10 October 2001 External T.I. 2001-0097735 - EQUIVALENT TO SPOUSE CREDIT

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118(1)(b) 118(5)

Principal Issues:
Taxpayer paid child support to estranged spouse in respect of children from XXXXXXXXXX . The obligation to pay child support ceased on XXXXXXXXXX , when the children began living with taxpayer. Can taxpayer claim Amount for an Eligible Dependent (formerly equivalent-to-spouse) in respect of one of the children?

Position TAKEN:
Question of fact. No, if taxpayer and spouse (or former spouse) were living separate and apart throughout the year or if a deduction was claimed under section 60 in respect of the spouse of former spouse.

Subsection 118(5). Previous opinions.

9 October 2001 External T.I. 2000-0034915 - REIMBURSEMENT OF STOCK OPTION BENEFIT

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15(1) 12(1)(x) 90
reimbursement by sub on stock option exercise

Principal Issues: If a parent corporation and a subsidiary enter into an arrangement under which the subsidiary pays to its parent corporation an amount equal to the stock option benefit enjoyed by the subsidiary's employees on the exercise of options to acquire shares of the parent, would the payment be included in the income of the parent under subsection 15(1) or paragraph 12(1)(x), or would it be a dividend to the parent for purposes of section 90 of the Act?

Position: No, in cases where the payment is in respect of services rendered by the employees to the subsidiary, for options granted after the date of the arrangement, or for the increase in the stock option benefit that arises after the date of the arrangement on pre-existing options.

Reasons: It would not be unreasonable for the subsidiary to reimburse the parent for that portion of the employment benefit that has effectively been borne by the parent on the subsidiary's behalf.

4 October 2001 External T.I. 2001-0100135 - UK ENDOWMENT

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148(1) 128.1(1) 138(12)

Principal Issues: Tax treatment of a U.K. endowment policy acquired by a non-resident individual when the individual later immigrates to Canada.

Position: General comments

Reasons: Insufficient information.

17 September 2001 External T.I. 2001-0088735 - COMBINATION OF PREMIUM POINTS

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110.1 118.1 REG 3501(1) 149.1(12)(b)

Principal Issues:
Whether airmiles and other premium points may be donated pursuant to 110.1 or 118.1 and how are such points valued.

Airmiles and other premium points may be the subject of a donation and a registered charity may issue a receipt for such a gift provided the airmiles or points may be transferred to the charity and the value of the airmiles or points may be determined. The receipt must reflect the fair market value of the airmiles or points at the time the donation is made to the charity and the valuation is question of fact in each case.

The term "property" is broadly defined in the Act to include a right of any kind whatever. Since credits earned under an awards program give the individual a right to redeem the credits for certain benefits under the program, it is our view that the credits consitute property and can be the subject of a gift. Regulation 3501(1)(h)(ii).

12 September 2001 External T.I. 2001-0096295 - test wind turbine renewable and cons. exp

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1219(1) 1219(3) 66.1(6)

Principal Issues: Whether two wind turbines to be used for a wind farm in generating electricity would be qualified as "test wind turbines" for the purposes of subsections 1219(1) and (3) of the Regulations and subsection 66.1(6) of the Act?

Position: Only one of the two wind turbines would qualify as "test wind turbine".

Reasons: Whether a wind turbine would qualify as a test wind turbine would always be a question of fact to be determined based on the circumstances. It is intended by Finance and NR Can that the term "project" used in section 1219 of the Regulations relates to a wind farm project. However, it has never been intended by Finance and NR Can to ring-fenced a wind farm to an area of slightly greater than 1.5 kilometers in diameter as a project, even though there is a reference that the minimum distance between two wind turbines must be greater than 1.5 kilometers in the Class 43.1 Technical Guide issued by NR Can. In the case at hand, the representative of the taxpayer has argued that there are two sites and two wind farm projects at XXXXXXXXXX with a "test" wind turbine on each site. The two wind turbines would be approximately 1.514 kilometres apart. One wind turbine would be made by XXXXXXXXXX and the other one would be made by XXXXXXXXXX . Given that the proposed business plan of the taxpayer would be to have XXXXXXXXXX wind turbines XXXXXXXXXX as a wind farm, given that according to Raj Rangi of NR Can (the wind energy specialist) the variation of the wind power XXXXXXXXXX would be minimal, and given that using two different wind turbines for testing would indicate the primary purpose of the testing may not be determining the quality, quantity and extent of the wind power, but to determine the efficiency and economy of a particular wind turbine equipment, it is our view that only one of the two wind turbines would be qualified as test wind turbine provided that other requirements are met. The representative of the taxpayer has also argued that this wind farm project would be economical only if two wind turbines would be considered as test wind turbines. It is our view that whether the project is economical or not is really not relevant in determining whether a wind turbine would qualify as a test wind turbine.

5 September 2001 External T.I. 2001-0089935 - LIFE INSURANCE POLICY-ACB

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148(a) Reg. 217(2)

Principal Issues:
1. Where two or more persons dispose of their interests in a life insurance policy in a private sale, is the insurer, upon written request, required to prepare separate T5 slips to report the gain realized by each person on the disposition?

2. Where a person has an interest in the investment account only of a universal life insurance policy, is the adjusted cost basis of such interest to be calculated without any adjustment for the net cost of pure insurance?

1. Yes, pursuant to subsection 217(2) of the Regulations.

2. The "net cost of pure insurance" is to be deducted in the calculation of "adjusted cost basis" as defined in subsection 148(9). For this purpose, the "net cost of pure insurance" is determined in accordance with the rules in section 308 of the Regulations. Depending on the circumstances, it is possible that this amount may be zero.

Reasons: Legislation.

9 August 2001 External T.I. 2001-0076265 - INCOME FROM STOCK-LINKED GIC

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12(4) 12(9) REG 7000

Principal Issues: Taxation of amount received on maturity of stock-index linked GIC.

Position: The amount is interest included in computing income by virtue of subsections 12(4) and 12(9) of the Act and section 7000 of the Regulations.

Reasons: A stock-index linked GIC is a prescribed debt obligation as described in paragraph 7000(1)(d) of the Regulations. Subsection 7000(3) of the Regulations deems the stock-index linked return to be interest on the obligation for the purposes of section 7000. Paragraph 7000(2)(d) prescribes the amount of interest for the purposes of subsection 12(9) that will be deemed to accrue to the taxpayer as interest, each year the obligation is held, for the purposes of the interest accrual rule in subsection 12(4). Paragraph 7000(2)(d) prescribes the amount to be the maximum amount of interest that could be payable on the obligation in respect of the particular year. In the years prior to the stock-index linked bonus or premium being determinable, the prescribed amount under paragraph 7000(2)(d) would be nil as no event that would trigger an amount being payable has taken place in the year. In the year the amount of the bonus or premium is determinable (e.g. year of maturity), the event triggering an amount payable has taken place and the bonus or premium is then included in income as interest.

2 August 2001 External T.I. 2001-0085835 - PUSH DOWN ACCOUNTING & LCT

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Principal Issues: Whether adjustments made under section 1625 of the 181(3)Handbook to the financial statements of a subsidiary corporation are to be backed out from the subsidiary's financial statements in determining the subsidiary's taxable capital for the purposes of Part I.3 tax.

Position: No.

Reasons: Where section 1625 of the Handbook can be applied and it is determined that it is appropriate to apply the provision, such that the accounting records of the subsidiary are adjusted to reflect the revaluation, the financial statements of the subsidiary, prepared on a non-consolidated basis would reflect the comprehensive revaluation provided for under section 1625 of the Handbook.

2 August 2001 External T.I. 2001-0074575 F - Désignation - Validité

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Principales Questions:
Dans la situation exposée, est-ce qu'une désignation dûment effectuée conformément à l'alinéa 88(1)d) de la Loi par une société, pourrait être considérée comme invalide du fait que le montant désigné à l'égard d'une immobilisation a été surévalué ?

Position Adoptée:

30 July 2001 External T.I. 2001-0091655 F - Produit de Disposition pour Action

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Principales Questions: Quel est le produit de disposition des actions dans la situation présentée?

Position Adoptée: Prix de vente

25 July 2001 External T.I. 2001-0080355 - MASTER TRUST FOREIGN PROPERTY

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206 REG 5000(1.2) REG 5001

Principal Issues: Interpretation of Reg. 5000(1.2) in circumstances where assets of the defined benefit provisions of a RPP are held in a master trust and the assets of the defined contribution provisions of the same plan are held by an insurance company.

Position: Pursuant to paragraph 5000(1.2)(a), provided that the participating trusts do not hold any other foreign property, which is a question of fact, the master trust will not be considered to be foreign property.

Reasons: By virtue of the requirements of a master trust in Regulation 5001, the beneficiaries of the master trust are the participating trusts

24 July 2001 External T.I. 2001-0086825 - CHARITABLE REMAINDER TRUST

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110.1(1) 118.1(1) 118.1(6)

Principal Issues: Whether distributions of capital gains, returns of capital and payments of expenses from the capital account by a trust will be considered encroachments on capital such that a gift of an equitable interest in a trust to a qualified donee would not be considered to have been made by the donor.

Position: Generally, yes.

Reasons: See document

23 July 2001 External T.I. 2001-0073505 - DISPOSITION OF LIFE INSURANCE

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148(8.1) 38(a.1)

Principal Issues:
Whether a disposition occurs when a life insurance contract is split into two.

It is a question of fact whether the variation of the original policy constitutes a partial disposition or is so fundamental as to cause a disposition of the entire policy, including the part of the contract retained by the taxpayer. Where the result of the transaction is that a new policy is created it would not seem arguable that an interest in the existing contract has been transferred to the owner of the new policy.

Reasons: See document.

11 July 2001 External T.I. 2001-0089325 - ECOLOGICAL GIFTS

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Principal Issues: In interests of facilitating a large proposed ecological gift, a senator has written to CCRA to advise of opinions which may be required including clarification that proposed property is capital property and agreement as to proportion of property that is ecologically sensitive.

Position: It is not required that donor obtain an ATR in order to qualify for donation tax credit. Rulings may not be available with respect to whether property is held on income or capital account or on questions of valuation, in any event.

Reasons: IC- 70R4.

Technical Interpretation - Internal

23 October 2001 Internal T.I. 2001-0102337 F - MONTANTS RECUS D'UNE EGLISE

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5(1) 9(1)

Principales Questions:
Un évangéliste reçoit de l'argent d'une église située à l'étranger. Cette dernière l'encourage à faire de l'évangélisation au Canada et de la promotion pour son église. L'évangéliste ne reçoit pas de montant fixe de l'église étrangère; c'est selon le bon vouloir des donateurs qui supportent la cause. Le montant reçu peut donc varier de mois en mois. Les montants que l'évangéliste canadien reçoit sont-ils imposables pour lui?

Position Adoptée:
Oui. Les montants que l'évangéliste reçoit sont imposables.

18 October 2001 Internal T.I. 2001-0083777 - CALCULATION OF RRIF FAIR MARKET VALUE

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146.3(1) 146.3(6) 146.3(11)

Principal Issues: Can we advise how to calculate interest in respect of index-linked term deposit products, for purposes of calculating FMV for a RRIF?

Position: No.

Reasons: FMV is question of fact at a particular time; it may not correspond to cost adjusted for accrued interest to date of determination.

16 October 2001 Internal T.I. 2001-0095967 F - revenu protégé en main

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55(5) 84(6)(b)

Principales Questions: Est-ce que la prime payée par une société lors de l'achat d'actions de son capital-actions affecte le revenu protégé en main sur les actions restantes, lorsque le paragraphe 84(3) ne s'applique pas en raison de l'alinéa 84(6)b)?

Position Adoptée: Non si l'achat ne réduit pas la JVM des actions restantes et si l'achat ne fait pas partie d'un stratagème pour éviter l'impôt.

15 October 2001 Internal T.I. 2001-0090497 - EMPLOYER PROVIDED COMPUTERS

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6(1)(a) 6(9)

Principal Issues: Whether following programs fall within our guidelines on employment-related training in TN#13.

1) Employer provides employee with $XXXXXXXXXX account that can be drawn on to enhance the employees learning or health and wellness needs. As one qualifying use, it can be applied against the purchase cost of a personal computer for the employee.

2) Employer provides interest-free loans to employees to enable them to purchase personal computers and related software.

Position: Neither program falls within guidelines. Employees participating would be considered to have received taxable employment benefits.

Reasons: 1) It has not been established that the purpose of the program was to provide employees with personal computers to develop their computer skill, that the primary beneficiary of any training is the employer, or that the account is not a form of remuneration.

12 October 2001 Internal T.I. 2001-0104217 - LEAKY CONDOMINIUMS

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18(1)(a) 18(1)(b)

Principal Issues: We have been requested to confirm whether expenditures made in respect of "leaky condominiums" in B.C. (rented property) could all be considered deductible as current expenses on account of repairs and maintenance.

Position: Not possible to confirm the nature of all the expenditures involved.

Reasons: It is a question of fact whether outlays are on account of capital or a current expense (IT-128R). No general statement can be made and, in particular, in respect of "leaky condominiums". Moreover, to be eligible for any income tax deduction (as a current expense or as capital cost allowance), the activities of the taxpayer must have a reasonable expectation of profit. Only general comments based on information made available by B.C. government can be provided.

10 October 2001 Internal T.I. 2001-0097597 F - Emprunt auprès d'une banque étrangère

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212(1)(b) 214(15)(b) 18(4)

Principales Questions:
Les dispositions de l'article 212 de la Loi s'appliquent-elles aux 1- intérêts 2- au principal et 3- aux setup fees payés relativement à un prêt contracté auprès d'une banque étrangère par une société admissible ?

Position Adoptée:
1- oui 212(1)b) sous réserve des exceptions prévues à cet alinéa et sous réserve des exemptions prévues en vertu d'un traité fiscal conclu entre le Canada et le pays de résidence de la banque étrangère
2- non
3- oui

12 September 2001 Internal T.I. 2001-0090037 - XXXXXXXXXX

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56(1)(a) REG 7700

Principal Issues: Is the XXXXXXXXXX a prescribed prize

Position: YES

Reasons: The prize is administered by the XXXXXXXXXX and is recognized by the general public.

27 July 2001 Internal T.I. 2001-0091157 - CDA AND LIFE INSURANCE PROCEEDS

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Principal Issues: What is the effective date of our revised position as set out in paragraph 6 of IT-430R3.

Position: The change in position is effective for proceeds of a life insurance policy received on or after February 10, 1997.

Reasons: See the Explanation of Changes to IT-430R3.

9 July 2001 Internal T.I. 2000-0047617 - SOJOURNING

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Principal Issues: Various issues on sojourning

Position: see memo attached

Reasons: see memo attached

27 June 2001 Internal T.I. 2001-0084627 F - Crédit d'impôt pour emploi à l'étranger

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Principales Questions: Admissibilité au crédit d'impôt pour emploi à l'étranger prévu à l'article 122.3 de la Loi de l'impôt sur le revenu.

Position Adoptée: Les faits soumis ne permettent pas de conclure si oui ou non le contribuable est admissible au crédit d'impôt pour emploi à l'étranger. Commentaires généraux quant aux conditions d'admissibilité au crédit d'impôt pour emploi à l'étranger.

1 June 2001 Internal T.I. 2001-0067047 F - DOMMAGES DISCRIMINATION

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6(3) 56(1)(a) 12(1)(c)

Principales Questions:
1. Les montants versés pour dommages matériels et moraux relativement à de la discrimination en vertu des articles 10 et 16 de la Charte des droits et libertés de la personne du Québec sont-ils non imposables.
2. Doit-on imposer les intérêts?

8 May 2001 Internal T.I. 2000-0057407 - Exempt RPP Payments

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212(1)(h) 115(2)(c)

Principal Issues: Are RPP payments made to taxpayer exempt from tax under paragraph 212(1)(h) of the Act?

Position: yes

Reasons: In the t/p's particular situation, the t/p was a non-resident of Canada throughout period t/p was employed at Canadian Consulate in XXXXXXXXXX in respect of RPP benefits. Since the t/p satisfied both of the conditions in subparagraph 212(1)(h)(v) and (vi), the RPP payments are exempt from tax under paragraph 212(1)(h) of the Act.

30 April 2001 Internal T.I. 2001-0078077 - PERMANENT ESTABLISHMENT

Principal Issues: Whether CCRA's views on the deductibility of notional charges in calculating profits attributable to a permanent establishment have changed in view of a recent OECD discussion paper.

Position: No.

Reasons: As it is discussion paper only, no comments will be provided until final positions are determined. No change in our views for now.

26 April 2001 Internal T.I. 2000-0046367 F - DEBENTURES CONVERTIBLES

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Lorsque l'émetteur convertit des débentures convertibles en actions sans valeur nominale, l'alinéa 20(1)f) de la Loi s'applique-t-il pour permettre à l'émetteur de déduire le montant de la JVM des actions émises qui excède la somme pour laquelle le titre a été émis?

Position Adoptée:

24 April 2001 Internal T.I. 2000-0037677 F - DEBENTURES CONVERTIBLES

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Principale Question:

Lorsque l'émetteur convertit des débentures convertibles en actions ordinaires, l'alinéa 20(1)f) de la Loi s'applique-t-il pour permettre à l'émetteur de déduire le montant de la JVM des actions ordinaires émises qui excède la somme pour laquelle le titre a été émis?

Position Adoptée:

29 March 2001 Internal T.I. 2000-0059117 F - PROVISION POUR GARANTIES

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Principale Question:

Une société de personnes dont l'entreprise est de garantir des prêts peut-elle se prévaloir d'une déduction à l'alinéa 20(1)l.1) de la Loi?

Position Adoptée: