Income Tax Severed Letters - 2022-05-18

Technical Interpretation - External

8 September 2021 External T.I. 2021-0879941E5 - METC – Cost of a nebulizer

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ITA: subsections 118.2(2); 118.4(2); subparagraph 118.2(2)(m), and IT Regulation 5700.

Principal Issues: Whether the cost of a nebulizer or a replacement part qualify as eligible medical expenses for the purposes of the medical expense tax credit.

Position: No.

Reasons: The requirements in paragraph 118.2(2)(m) of the Act and paragraph (c) of section 5700 of the Regulations have not been met.

Technical Interpretation - Internal

16 May 2022 Internal T.I. 2022-0923111I7 - THRP - Meaning of “promoting” and “supporting

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Definition of a “qualifying tourism or hospitality entity” in subsection 8901.1(2) of the Regulations; Subsection 125.7(1) of the Act.

Principal Issues: 1. What is the meaning of the words “promoting” and “supporting” as it applies to the various eligible activities described in subparagraphs (b)(iv), (vi) and (xx) of the QTHE definition in subsection 8901.1(2) of the Regulations?
2. Whether providing special event equipment consulting services and selling audio, video, lighting and stage equipment to event hosts would be considered eligible activities described in either or both of subparagraphs (b)(iv) and (xx) of the QTHE definition for purposes of determining whether a particular eligible entity is a QTHE.

Position: 1. Based on a textual, contextual, and purposive approach to interpreting the meaning of the words “promoting” and “supporting” in subparagraphs (b)(iv), (vi), (xx), and of subsection 8901.1(2) of the Regulations, it is our view that the activities of an eligible entity that fall within the meaning of these terms should be those that involve the provision of a service in respect of an activity described in these subparagraphs. The meaning of “promoting” is also relevant in the context of subparagraphs (b)(xix), and (xxi).
2. It is a question of fact whether the eligible entity’s activities would be considered eligible activities described in either or both of subparagraphs (b)(iv) and (xx) of the QTHE definition.

Reasons: Textual, contextual and purposive analysis of the relevant provisions of the QTHE definition.

1 October 2021 Internal T.I. 2021-0885571I7 - Interest & penalty on a failure to file T2 Return

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161(1), 161(2), 161(11), 150(1)(a), 162(1), 162(2), 162(2.1), 220(3), 220(3.1)

Principal Issues: Whether the start date for the calculation of interest under paragraph 161(11)(a), on the penalty for a failure to file a T2 return of income, is the statutory filing-due date or an extended filing-due date.

Position: The start date for interest on the penalty for a failure to file a T2 Return is the extended filing-due date rather than the statutory filing-due date.

Reasons: The amendment to subsection 220(3) in the 2006 Federal Budget. When the Minister extends the deadline to file a T2 Return, late-filing penalties and interest thereon will not apply until the extension expires. Further, section 26 of the Interpretation Act applies to paragraph 150(1)(a) of the Income Tax Act, where a due date falls on a holiday or weekend.