Section 178 - Network Sellers

See Also

Customs and Excise Commissioners v. Tarmac Roadstone Holdings Ltd., [1987] BTC 5074 (C.A.)

In finding that employees of a parent corporation whose services were provided to a subsidiary had not been retained by the parent as agent for...

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Rowe & Maw v. Customs and Excise Commissioners, [1975] 2 All E.R. 444 (Q.B.D.)

In finding that charges of a firm of solicitors for reimbursement of their railway and air fares constituted, on general principles, part of the...

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Administrative Policy

P-075 "Allowances and Reimbursements"

Includes a definition of "allowance" and "reimbursement".

GST M 300-7 "Value of Supply" under "Disbursements"

"A supplier is said to be acting as an agent for a recipient where the supplier is authorized by the recipient to act on the recipient's behalf....

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