Income Tax Severed Letters - 2002-04-12


22 April 2002 2002-01340311 F - Statut d'une Fiducie

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104(1) 248(1)

Principales Questions: Déterminer si une entité constitue une fiducie pour les fins de la Loi de l'impôt sur le revenu.

Position Adoptée: Oui.

2002 2002-0131951 - STRUCTURED SETTLEMENT

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Principal Issues: minor change to request father (who is a claimant) be included in the structure settlement

Position: allow father to be included

Reasons: all conditions of IT-365R2 paragraph 5 are met - it has been proven that father is a claimant at law


2002 Ruling 2001-0107263 - Sale of Shares by Employee/Shareholders

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84(3) 245 183.1

Principal Issues: Application of GAAR to set up Subco to purchase Employees' shares.

Position: Favourable ruling given; GAAR not applicable.

Reasons: Consistent with past rulings given

2002 Ruling 2001-0114453 - GIFTS TO A MUNICIPALITY

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110.1 118.1 REG 3500

Principal Issues:
Whether the City can issue official receipts for gifts it will have received in the course of a fundraising campaign to improve the Park it owns where the City intends to undertake the fundraising campaign with the assistance of the Association.

Position: Yes

The City owns the Park. The City is responsible to fund capital improvements of the Park. The City will receive the donations and will have control of the use of the funds.

2002 Ruling 2001-009107A - Mutual Fund Trust-Capital Gains

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104(6) 104(7.1) 104(13) 132(1)
distribution of capital gains on unit redemptions
A of formula to redeemed unitholder reduced by any amount of allocated capital gains

Principal Issues: This ruling request involves proposed transactions that will be undertaken by a group of mutual funds. Under the proposals, the trust agreements governing the Funds will be amended to introduce a new method of allocating capital gains that will provide unitholders with a more equitable allocation of capital gains. That is, capital gains will first be allocated to unitholders who redeemed units during the year and then allocated pro-rata among unitholders of record at the end of the year.

1) Will the proceeds of disposition of a redeemed unit equal the Series Unit Value at the time of redemption less the Capital Gains Distribution in respect of that unit?
2) Will subsection 104(7.1) apply to the proposed transactions?
3) Will subsection 245(2) apply to the proposed transactions?

Position: 1) Yes 2) No 3) No

2002 Ruling 2002-0122593 - CREDIT UNION SHARES

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Principal Issues:

Whether shares of a credit union are shares or debt obligations for purposes of the Act including the interest accrual rules.

Position: They are shares for all purposes of the Act.

Reasons: 137(4.1)

2002 Ruling 2001-0091663 - Split-up Butterfly under 55(3)(b)

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55(3)(b) 55(2) 85(1)(b)

Principal Issues: This is a split-up butterfly of Aco among Father's three adult children. The major assets consist of shares of Fco which were acquired on the sale of Gco to Fco. The main issues relate to the rebalancing transfer of assets by the three children and their respective holding companies to the father and his holding company.

Position: See Ruling.

Reasons: See Ruling.

2002 Ruling 2002-0123473 - Redesignation of Units of a Trust

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248(1) 104(7.1)

Principal Issues:
1. Whether the consolidation of various Declarations of Trust into one Master Declaration of Trust will result in there being a resettlement of the trusts.
2. Whether the redesignation of units of one series of a fund as units of another series of the same fund will result in a disposition of the units.

Position: 1. No. 2. No.

Reasons: Consistent with rulings we have provided to other funds.

2002 Ruling 2001-0095503 - PARTITIONING OF SHARES

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248(21) 248(20) 98(3)

Principal Issues: Whether the partitioning of preferred shares will give rise to a disposition.

Position: No.

Reasons: The partitioning (of each share) complies with subsection 248(21).

2002 Ruling 2002-0123813 - Loss Consolidation within Affiliated Grp.

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20(1)(c) 112(1) 245(2)

Principal Issues: Loss consolidation in an affiliated group; impact of CRB Logging where a subsidiary purchases shares of subsidiary of its parent.

Position: Favourable ruling given.

Reasons: Parent will have sufficient assets independent of its investment in its subsidiary to fund the amount by which the dividends exceed the interest income received.

2002 Ruling 2001-0099503 F - Papillon

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Principal Issues: Whether the exception in 55(3)(b) applies?

Position: Favourable rulings given

Reasons: Meets the requirements of the law

2002 Ruling 2002-0129893 - WORDING CLARIFICATION

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REG 6801(d)

Principal Issues:
The words "by the Eligible Director" are being added to clarify the wording in two rulings given in Ruling 2002-011724.

Position: Changes required for clarification purposes.

Reasons: The changes do not affect the rulings provided.

2002 Ruling 2001-0101493 - Quasi mutual fund trust

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206 108(1) Reg-4801 Reg-5000

Principal Issues:
1. By changing investment strategies so that >10% of cost amount may be invested in the shares of any one corporation, will the status of a Fund under 4801(a) change?
2. Will the status of the fund as a quasi mutual fund trust change as a result of the change in investment strategy?

1. No.
2. No.

1. Funds qualified before proposed transactions & proposed transactions will not disqualify. The different types of pooled, unit, mutual fund, quasi mutual fund -trusts really only specify different income/asset holding requirements; some can actually fit into more than one category as some rules are less restrictive than others (i.e., a mutual fund trust also will fit into the definition of a quasi mutual fund trust).
2. Same reasons as above.

Ministerial Correspondence

29 April 2002 Ministerial Correspondence 2002-0120504 - Instalments

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Please note that the following document, although believed to be correct at the time of issue, may not represent the current position of the CCRA.

Prenez note que ce document, bien qu'exact au moment émis, peut ne pas représenter la position actuelle de l'ADRC.


Dear Colleague:

Thank you for your letter of January 14, 2002, addressed to my predecessor, the Honourable Martin Cauchon, outlining the concerns of your constituent about the calculation of income tax instalments.

22 April 2002 Ministerial Correspondence 2002-0123704 F - MONTANTS REÇUS-RESSOURCE D'HÉBERGEMENT

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Principales Questions:
Peut-on harmoniser les règles fiscales canadiennes avec celles du Québec dans le domaine des ressources non institutionnelles de type familial?

Position Adoptée:
La Loi ne prévoit pas de disposition similaire à celle annoncée par le Québec à l'égard des ressources d'hébergement. Il faudrait une modification à la Loi pour effectuer une telle harmonisation ce qui relève du ministère des Finances. Cependant, certains montants reçus par une ressource d'hébergement pourraient être exclus du revenu fédéral en vertu de l'alinéa 81(1)h) de la Loi.

19 April 2002 Ministerial Correspondence 2002-0128674 - INTEREST INCOME

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Principal Issues:
Concerns with the treatment of dividends from preferred shares under the Income Tax Act and how such treatment relates to the XXXXXXXXXX Preferred Securities.

The Preferred Securities are unsecured junior subordinated debentures of XXXXXXXXXX , bearing interest at XXXXXXXXXX percent per annum. Therefore, the payments received constitute interest income and not dividend income.

The Preferred Securities are debentures of XXXXXXXXXX and not preferred shares.

19 April 2002 Ministerial Correspondence 2002-0130414 - Taxation of property leaving Canada

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Referred to changes in the law enacted by Bill C-22 which ensure that all persons who leave Canada or transfer property from Canada will generally realize a deemed disposition.

Technical Interpretation - External

10 May 2002 External T.I. 2002-0134305 - TAXABILITY OF EMPLOYER PAID INS. BENEFITS

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Principal Issues:
Whether or not "employer-paid insurance benefits are taxable, insurable and/or pensionable" in a specific situation.

General comments provided.

Question of fact. Employer is responsible to determine if a benefit is taxable and withholding is required. If there is doubt the employer should contact the TSO

8 May 2002 External T.I. 2002-0134085 - LEGAL FEES TO RECOVER INVEST. LOSSES

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Principal Issues: Whether an additional contribution to an investment to help pay for legal fees in an action to recover losses of the investment are a deductible business expense.

Position: Not enough information provided, but likely not.

Reasons: The investment does not appear to have a source of income following the collapse of its only project.

6 May 2002 External T.I. 2002-0133505 - REPORTING INTEREST PAID TO SPOUSE

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Principal Issues: What can a taxpayer do to ensure that the interest paid on an equalization payment is reported by an ex-spouse?

Position: Under our self-assessment system, the onus is on taxpayers to file their income tax returns accurately. There are also review processes in place to ensure the integrity of our tax system.

Reasons: There is no requirement for taxpayers to report the payment of this type of income on an information return.

6 May 2002 External T.I. 2001-0115335 - MEDICAL EXPENSES

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Principal Issues:
Is the precautionary banking of sperm a medical expense?

3 May 2002 External T.I. 2001-0100055 - FOREIGN PROPERTY OF REGISTERED PLANS

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206(2)(a)(iii) 206(3.1) 206(3.2)

Principal Issues: Would the relieving provisions in subparagraph 206(2)(a)(iii) of the Act apply where a registered plan chooses to exchange shares in a Canadian corporation for shares of a foreign corporation that has acquired a substantial number of shares of the Canadian corporation?

Position: Question of Fact.

Reasons: The security acquired in the exchange must be a "qualifying security" as defined in subsection 206(3.2) of the Act.

3 May 2002 External T.I. 2002-0126775 - Spousal Trust

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Principal Issues: Whether a trust qualifies as a spousal trust for the purposes of the Income Tax Act.

Position: General comments regarding subparagraphs 70(6)(b)(i) and (ii).

Reasons: No comments on proposed transactions involving specific taxpayers other than in the form of an advance income tax ruling.

3 May 2002 External T.I. 2001-0110145 F - avantage imposable-vetements

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reimbursing a professor for a briefcase needed in connection with work would be non-taxable

Principales Questions:

Est-ce que les remboursements suivants par l'employeur sont des avantages imposables selon l'alinéa 6(1)a) de la Loi?

1. Le remboursement d'une mallette que les professeurs utiliseront pour transporter du matériel dans le cadre de leur emploi.
2. Le remboursement pour l'achat de vêtements fait à des professeurs par l'université lorsqu'ils doivent, dans le cadre de leur emploi, préparer des cours sur XXXXXXXXXX .

Position Adoptée:

3 May 2002 External T.I. 2002-0127425 - surface lease & principal residence

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54 9

Principal Issues: 1. treatment of first year payments of surface lease on land containing taxpayer's principal residence.

Position: 1. question of fact whether adjacent land can be considered part of principal residence- but- partial disposition may be recognized

Reasons: 1. as per paragraphs 1 & 2 of IT-200 - capital portion is treated as partial disposition;
See also IT-120R5 paragraphs 15 &16 (land >1/2 hectare may qualify if zoning restrictions don't allow smaller lots) & paragraph 18 ( re -partial disposition)

3 May 2002 External T.I. 2002-0132615 F - PERTE DECOULANT D'UN PAIEMENT A UN RPDB

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147(1) 147(16) 147(8)
creation of a business loss from making a DPSP contribution is not necessarily inconsistent with the DPSP rules

Principales Questions: Une cotisation d'un employeur à un RPDB sera-elle déductible de son revenu même si cette cotisation l'amène à réaliser une perte d'entreprise?

Position Adoptée: Oui, si toutes les conditions sont rencontrées.

2 May 2002 External T.I. 2001-0115235 - Ontario Gross Revenue Charge

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Principal Issues: Whether payments under subsections 92.1(1) and 92.1(2) of the OEA, also referred to as the property tax component and the water rental component under the GRC tax regime, are a tax or levy that are deductible in computing income under subsection 9(1) of the Income Tax Act.

Position: 1. Yes, based on the definition of 'gross revenue' applicable for the period from January 1, 2001 until the electricity market opens to competition.
2. For the period after that time, it depends on the definition of 'gross revenue' which has not yet been defined.

Reasons: 1. For the period prior to the opening of the electricity market, the taxes are not taxes on income and are payments made to earn income from a business.
2. For the subsequent period, a determination regarding the deductibility of the payments cannot be made until the term 'gross revenue' is defined for that period.

2 May 2002 External T.I. 2002-0123245 - MEDICAL EXPENSES; HERBS

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Principal Issues: whether expenses are medical expenses

Position: -insufficient facts to determine whether a particular expense is deductible since we have no information on the expenses, but the cost of herbal remedies is not deductible

Reasons: must be described in 118.2

1 May 2002 External T.I. 2002-0133145 F - RAP - BAIL & ACTIONS

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unit consisting of a leasehold interest and shares of the corporation owing the property could qualify as qualifying home

Principale Question: Est-ce que l'acquisition d'une unité qui est composée d'un bail en propriété et d'un nombre d'actions de la société détenant l'immeuble est considérée comme étant une " habitation admissible" aux fins de l'article 146.01 de la Loi?

Position Adoptée: En général oui.

1 May 2002 External T.I. 2002-0122675 - ELECTION QUOTAS

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Principal Issues:

1) With respect to the application of subsection 14(1.01):
(a) Is it possible to satisfy the condition in this provision, which requires that "the cost of the property to the taxpayer can be determined", by averaging the total cost of the quotas by the total number of units held?
(b) Since the election under the provision results in a disposition of a capital property, "could alternative minimum tax apply"?
(c) Could the resulting capital gain "qualify for the capital gains reserve"?

2) Whether a certain building is class 1 or class 6.


1) For each question:
(a) Yes.
(b) Yes.
(c) Yes.

2) Class 1.


30 April 2002 External T.I. 2002-0133115 - cpp disability payments after death

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56(8) 70(2)

Principal Issues:
1. Is receipt of CPP disability benefits after date of death a right or thing
2. If yes to 1. above is 56(8) applicable?

1.question of fact
2. no

1. question of fact-depends on whether entitlement was established prior to death
2. 56(8) is not applicable as amounts must have been received by the taxpayer for 56(8) to apply and by definition a "right or thing" has not been received.

30 April 2002 External T.I. 2002-0129015 - CARRYING COSTS FOR UNRENTED CONDO

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Principal Issues: Whether the carrying costs (property taxes, condo fees, heating, etc.) incurred for a condominium that was inherited can be claimed. The property is not currently rented, and considerable repairs must be made before the property can be rented.

Position: Likely not.

Reasons: Since there is no source of income, the carrying costs on the condominium are not deductible by virtue of paragraph 18(1)(a) of the Income Tax Act. In this regard, there is no evidence to show that the condominium is being held as "an adventure or concern in the nature of trade."

30 April 2002 External T.I. 2002-0130965 - JOINT OWNERSHIP-INVESTMENTS

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Principal Issues: Whether a change in the legal title of a parent's investment account to joint tenancy of the parent and the parent's child constitutes a disposition.

Position: It depends on whether there has been a change in beneficial ownership.

Reasons: By virtue of paragraph (e) of the definition of "disposition" in subsection 248(1) of the Income Tax Act, a disposition does not include a transfer of property in which there is a change in the legal ownership without any change in the beneficial ownership.

29 April 2002 External T.I. 2001-0109805 - FARM PARTNERSHIP-DEATH OF A PARTNER

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99(1) 98(3) 98(5) 70(5)

Principal Issues:
1) When a partnership agreement states the partnership ends on the death of a partner could a new partnership of the deceased partner's spouse and the remaining partner be considered a continuation of the original partnership so that only one T2042 could be prepared for the year?
2) Two spouses are equal partners in a Canadian farm partnership. One of the spouses dies. The surviving spouse is the sole beneficiary and estate trustee of the deceased partner's estate. Could the surviving spouse execute and file a T2060, Election for Disposition of Property Upon Cessation of Partnership, on behalf of the deceased partner's estate, so that subsection 98(3) of the Income Tax Act (the "Act") could apply?

Position: 1) No 2) No

1) No provision of the Act could consider the new partnership to be a continuation of the original partnership for the purpose of preparing one T2042 for the year - the partnership of the deceased partner's spouse and remaining partner is a new and separate partnership because at law, per the partnership agreement, the original partnership ceased upon the death of a partner and did not have any provision to allow the original partnership to continue or admit new partner members upon the death of a partner.
2) The estate of the deceased could not be considered a "member of the partnership" immediately before it ceased.

29 April 2002 External T.I. 2002-0127345 - FARMING - SEPARATE BUSINESS

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Principal Issues:
Would income earned from XXXXXXXXXX on a farm be considered income incidental to farming or income from a separate business?

Position TAKEN:
Question of fact. General information provided.

Question of fact.

26 April 2002 External T.I. 2001-0096105 - RRSP QUALIFIED INVESTMENTS

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REG 4900(1)(j) 251(1)(a) 251(2)(b)(ii)

Principal Issues:
Can a mortgage on farmland owned by a corporation be a qualified investment for an RRSP if the annuitant of the RRSP, his spouse and his two adult children are the only shareholders of the corporation.

Yes, provided that the provisions of paragraph 4900(1)(j), where the annuitant and the mortgagor are at non-arm's length, are satisfied.

The Corporation does not deal at arm's length with the annuitant of the RRSP pursuant to paragraph 251(1)(a) and subparagraph 251(2)(b)(ii).

26 April 2002 External T.I. 2001-0096415 - Residency, departure date

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Principal Issues: determining date when resident becomes non-resident

Position: when taxpayer acquires a permanent home in the U.S.

Reasons: tie-breaker rule

25 April 2002 External T.I. 2001-0114195 - TUITION TAX CREDIT

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Principal Issues: Are fees paid for courses taken with XXXXXXXXXX , that lead to a Master of Science in Astronomy eligible for the tuition tax credit?

Position: No

Reasons: The t/p is not a full time student because he is taking courses through correspondence/distance education only. Also, it appears that the courses may be less than 13 weeks in duration.

25 April 2002 External T.I. 2002-0128985 - MANAGEMENT BONUS PAID TO ESTATE

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Principal Issues: Whether section 67 of the Act will apply when a bonus is paid to a shareholder's estate where the shareholder was actively involved in the operations and management of the corporation during the year before he passed away.

Position: Question of fact.

Reasons: The situation is not covered by the CCRA policy outlined in Income Tax Technical News Issue No. 22, dated January 11, 2002.

25 April 2002 External T.I. 2001-010587A - SPECIFIED INVESTMENT BUSINESS-MORE THAN 5 FTE

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Principal Issues: Whether business of a corporation is considered a specified investment business for the purposes of ss. 125(7) of the Act.

Position: Yes.

Reasons: Corporation does not employ in the business throughout the year more than 5 full-time employees.

24 April 2002 External T.I. 2002-0128665 - GAIN ON SURRENDER OF LIFE INSURANCE

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Principal Issues:
Whether information provided by the insurer and taxpayer has been properly reflected in the calculation of the proceeds of disposition and adjusted cost basis of the policy surrendered by the taxpayer.

Position: Yes

Review of relevant provisions. Presentation of the components by the Insurer has been confusing or misleading but the ultimate calculations appear correct.

24 April 2002 External T.I. 2002-0127025 - FARMING

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28 12(10.2) 125

Principal Issues:
1. Does a sharecropping arrangement result in the earning of active business income by a corporation?
2. If the sharecropping arrangement results in the corporation earning rental income, would withdrawals from NISA Fund No. 2. be investment income and taxed as inactive income?
3. Would the sale of breeding hogs by a corporation result in a capital gain or business income?
4. Would a corporation involved in the activities discussed above be considered a farm corporation?

Position TAKEN:
1. Question of fact.
2. No.
3. Business income.
4. Question of fact.

1. Question of fact.
2. Withdrawals from NISA Fund No. 2 are included in income pursuant to subsection 12(10.2). These amounts are included in "income of the corporation for the year from an active business" pursuant to paragraph (b) of the definition in subsection 125(7).
3. Subsection 248(1) defines livestock held in the course of carrying on a farming business to be inventory.
4. Whether a corporation is a farm corporation is a question of fact.


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118.2(2) 118.2(2)(g) 118.2(2)(h)

Principal Issues: whether substantially equivalent medical services available

Position: no

Reasons: particular and unusual facts of this case

24 April 2002 External T.I. 2001-0095755 F - TÉLÉTRAVAIL

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8(1)i) 8(10) 8(13)
telework arrangement, even if voluntary, and some time spent in the employer office, can satisfy s. 8(13) requirements/ time spent on the road does not satisfy the “primarily” requirement
Words and Phrases

Principales Questions:
1. Est-ce que l'employeur a l'obligation de compléter le formulaire T2200 prévu au paragraphe 8(10) de la Loi pour ses employés en télétravail ?
2. Est-ce que le fait que l'employé adhère volontairement au télétravail empêche ce dernier de réclamer la déduction des dépenses encourues pour maintenir son espace consacré au travail à domicile dans le calcul de son revenu d'emploi ?
3. Est-ce que le fait que l'employeur prévoit un espace de travail individuel ou commun à son lieu d'affaires pour les employés en télétravail a une influence sur l'admissibilité d'un employé à réclamer la déduction des dépenses encourues pour maintenir son espace consacré au travail à domicile dans le calcul de son revenu d'emploi ?
4. Est-ce que le temps travaillé sur la route peut être assimilé à du temps de travail à domicile pour les fins de déterminer si l'employé accomplit principalement les fonctions de son emploi à son domicile selon le sous-alinéa 8(13)a)(i) de la Loi ?

Position Adoptée:
1. Dans la présente situation, l'employeur devrait remplir le formulaire T2200.
2. Non.
3. Non.
4. Non.

24 April 2002 External T.I. 2001-0111185 F - DISPOSITION PARTIELLE D'UNE PARTICIPATION

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248(1) 43(1)
reclassification of LP units into three classes of alphabet units did not entail a disposition
creation of 3 classes of units which tracked the 3 types of partnership property was not a disposition and did not engage s. 97(2)
all the partner’s units were a single property, so that the disposition of one type of unit engaged s. 43(1)
all units of three classes constituted a single property to the limited partner

Principales Questions: Comment se calcule le prix de base rajusté (PBR) d'une participation dans une société de personnes en commandite lors d'une disposition partielle de la participation aux fins du calcul du gain en capital ?

Position Adoptée: La détermination du PBR de la fraction de la participation disposée se fait en vertu du paragraphe 43(1) de la Loi. Ce paragraphe mentionne que pour les fins du calcul du gain ou de la perte en capital qu'un contribuable tire de la disposition partielle d'un bien, le PBR de la partie disposée correspond à la fraction du PBR, à ce moment, de la totalité du bien qu'il est raisonnable d'attribuer à cette partie.

24 April 2002 External T.I. 2001-0112695 - MEMBERSHIP DUES

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8(1)(i)(i) 8(5) 118.5(1)

Principal Issues: Continuing education requirement to profession. Do amounts expended on professional development courses qualify as professional membership dues under 8(1)(i)(i)?

Position: No.

Reasons: Fees levied are more appropriately classified as on account of training rather than as membership dues.

22 April 2002 External T.I. 2001-0108505 - PREMIUM PAID ON DEBT

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39 20(1)(c)

Principal Issues:
Discussion of the income tax treatment of a premium on a corporate bond purchased in the secondary market

22 April 2002 External T.I. 2001-0089875 - Carrying on business in Canada

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253 115.2 150(1)

Principal Issues:
1. If a non-resident corporation carries on a business of selling shares, will section 253 deem it to be carrying on a business in Canada if it sells the shares in Canada through a Canadian broker?
2. Will section 115.2 apply to deem the non-resident corporation not to be carrying on a business if the conditions in that paragraph are met?
3. If the non-resident corporation does not carry on a business anywhere, will section 253 deem it to be carrying on a business in Canada if it sells the shares in Canada through a Canadian broker?

1. Yes
2. Yes, for certain purposes of the Act.
3. No

1. The activities meet the conditions in paragraph 253(b)
2. New section 115.2 provides that a non-resident person is not considered to be carrying on business in Canada solely because of the provision to the person of designated investment services by a Canadian service provider.
3. Section 253 will not deem a business to be carried on in Canada, where no business is carried on.

22 April 2002 External T.I. 2002-0117135 F - Appl. de 107.4(1)a) à une fiducie du CcQ

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107(2) et (4.1) 107.4(1)a) 248(1) et (25) 248(3)f)
s. 107.4(1)(a) applicable on transfer by individual to Quebec trust of which he is a the sole beneficiary
s. 107(2.1) applicable to distribution by personal trust of property to beneficiary other than the settlor

Principales Questions: Application des alinéas 107.4(1)a) et 248(3)f) et du paragraphe 107(2) de la Loi de l'impôt sur le revenu à l'égard d'une fiducie créée en vertu du Code civil du Québec.

Position Adoptée: Commentaires généraux.

22 April 2002 External T.I. 2002-0127845 - CCA - COMMUNICATION CABLE

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Reg. 1104(2) Class 3(j) Class 10(f)

Principal Issues: Whether multi-use communication cable is included in Class 3 of Schedule II of the Regulations or whether it can qualify for inclusion in Class 10 of Schedule II of the Regulations.

Position: Question of fact.

Reasons: A review of each specific situation would determine which class is most appropriate.

22 April 2002 External T.I. 2002-0133095 - EMPLOYEE BACKGROUND CHECKS

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8(1)(i) 8(5) 6(1)(a)

Principal Issues: Employer is required to conduct criminal background checks on current and prospective employees.
1. If employees are required to pay for the check, can they deduct the cost?
2. If paid by employer, is there a taxable benefit?
3. If paid by the union, is there a taxable benefit?

Position TAKEN:
1. No.
2. No.
3. No. It may result in a portion of the dues being non-deductible by employees. However, not likely unless the union assesses a special levy to pay the cost.

1. There is no provision in section 8 allowing deduction.
2. Employer is the primary beneficiary.
3. Employer is the primary beneficiary. However, a portion of the dues may not be deductible under subparagraph 8(1)(i)(i) due to paragraph 8(5)(c). The expenses may not be "directly related to the ordinary operating expenses" of the union. Special levy would not be "annual dues".

18 April 2002 External T.I. 2000-0053185 - PAYMENTS TO A SPECIFIED CHARITABLE ORG.

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Principal Issues:
An individual, in his or her will, provides for a donation of a specified percentage of the liquidated assets to be made to a registered charity. Will subsection 118.1(5) apply to all payments made by the Estate to the specified charitable organization during the period of time between the date of death of the individual and the final payment if there is a delay in time, owing to market conditions, in liquidating a major asset of the deceased taxpayer?

15 April 2002 External T.I. 2002-0128145 F - 84.1(2)(a.1) of the Act

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84.1(2)(a.1) 84.1(1)(b) 248(1) "Disposition"
where old common exchanged for new common shares and prefs with s. 85(1) election equal to the pref FMV, the s. 110.6 deduction will be traced under s. 84.1(2)(a.1)(ii) only to the prefs

Principal Issues: 1) Whether, in a given fact situation, shares would be shares substituted for other shares for the purposes of paragraph 84.1(2)(a.1) of the Act.
2) Whether the application of subsection 84.1(1) to the transfers of shares would result in a dividend being deemed to be paid to a particular taxpayer pursuant to the provisions of paragraph 84.1(1)(b).

Position: 1) If a taxpayer would in fact dispose of all of the common shares on the exchange, the new common shares acquired afterwards by the son of the taxpayer would be shares substituted for other shares for the purposes of paragraph 84.1(2)(a.1) of the Act.
2) No. In the particular situation, the son should be able to establish a "nil" amount, pursuant to subparagraph 84.1(2)(a.1)(ii) of the Act, as being the amount in respect of which a deduction under section 110.6 was claimed.

Reasons: Wording of paragraph 84.1(2)(a.1) of the Act and previous positions.

11 April 2002 External T.I. 2002-0126375 - Tax Status of the XXXXXXXXXX

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110(1)(f)(iii) 81(1)(a), 126(3) 149(1)(l) and (r)

Principal Issues: Tax status of the XXXXXXXXXX

Position: General comments.

Reasons: Insufficient facts to reach a conclusion.

10 April 2002 External T.I. 2002-0117805 - QUALIFIED FARM PROPERTY - PARENT

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Principal Issues: Whether land owned by an individual and farmed by the grandparents can meet the "qualified farm property" requirements in ss. 110.6(1).

Position: Yes.

Reasons: Consistent with previous positions.

4 April 2002 External T.I. 2001-0103735 F - Fiducie exclusive au conjoint et ass.-vie

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70(5.3) 110.6(14) 110.6(15)(a) 248(3)(f)
s. 110.6(14)(g) inapplicable to shares held by spousal trust on the spouse’s death
the spouse beneficiary of a Quebec spousal trust owns the shares owned by that trust
s. 248(3)(e) deems the spouse beneficiary of a Quebec spousal trust to own shares of that trust
s. 70(5.3) applicable to s. 104(4)(a)(i) disposition

Principales Questions: Application du paragraphe 70(5.3) et des alinéas 110.6(14)g) et 110.6(15)a) de la Loi de l'impôt sur le revenu lorsque des actions sont détenues par une fiducie exclusive au conjoint et que cette fiducie détient une assurance sur la vie du conjoint.

Position Adoptée: Commentaires généraux.

19 March 2002 External T.I. 2002-0120785 F - Allocation de retraite - 212(13)(d)

Unedited CRA Tags
212(1)(j.1) 212(13)(d)
s. 212(1)(j.1) applicable to the extent that the retiring allowance paid by the US employer to the non-resident retired employee is invoiced to the predecessor affiliated employer in Canada
s. 215(2) applicable to retiring allowance paid by US employer where it invoiced the sister Canadian corporation, as the predecessor employer, therefor

Principales Questions: Traitement fiscal d'une allocation de retraite versée à un non-résident par un non-résident en regard de services rendus au Canada et à l'étranger.

Position Adoptée: Commentaires généraux.

18 March 2002 External T.I. 2002-0120065 F - Avoir fiscal français - 20(11)

Unedited CRA Tags
French avoir fiscal did not reduce the dividend from a French company required to be included in the resident individual shareholder’s income
subsequent refund to Canadian shareholder of French avoir fiscal treated as a dividend payment for dividend withholding purposes

Principales Questions:
Doit-on déduire un montant en vertu du paragraphe 20(11) de la Loi relativement à l'avoir fiscal français?

Position Adoptée:

4 March 2002 External T.I. 2002-0118945 - Foreign Mutual Fund Unit-ACB

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47 54

Principal Issues:
What is the appropriate method to be used in determining the adjusted cost base of a foreign mutual fund units acquired at different times?

Average cost method where the cost of each acquisition is computed at that time in terms of its Canadian dollar equivalent.

Section 47 of the Act and current positions.

27 February 2002 External T.I. 2001-0109675 F - Période admissible et vacance

Unedited CRA Tags
period of employment abroad does not include vacation days that could have been taken abroad, but were not

Principales Questions:
L'employeur qui prépare le formulaire T626 doit, en ce qui a trait au nombre de jours de la période admissible à l'étranger, prendre en compte les jours de vacances accumulés durant l'affectation de l'employé à l'étranger et qui sont pris après la fin de l'affectation.

Position Adoptée:

21 February 2002 External T.I. 2001-0105715 F - Choix prévu à 107(2.11)

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election applies to all s. 107(2.1) distributions

Principales Questions: Application du choix prévu au paragraphe 107(2.11) de la Loi de l'impôt sur le revenu.

Position Adoptée: Ce choix s'applique à toutes les attributions visées par le paragraphe 107(2.1) qui ont été effectuées au cours de l'années d'imposition.

21 February 2002 External T.I. 2001-0105725 F - Modification à 107(2.1)

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s. 107(2.1) distribution can trigger capital loss to trust or beneficiary

Principales Questions: Compte tenu du libellé des alinéas 107(2.1)a) et b) de la Loi de l'impôt sur le revenu, est-il possible, lors d'une attribution de biens par une fiducie, que cette dernière, de même que les détenteurs de parts en faveur de qui une telle attribution est effectuée, puissent réaliser une perte en capital?

Position Adoptée: Oui.

21 February 2002 External T.I. 2001-0105735 F - Intérêts sur remboursement - gains en capital

Unedited CRA Tags
132(2.1) 156.1(4) 161(1)
MFT obligation to pay tax, if unpaid, will be reduced by application of capital gains refund
MFT incurs interest charges if it waits for its capital gains refund to be applied to its Pt. I tax

Principales Questions: Intérêts payables à l'égard d'un remboursement au titre de gains en capital.

Position Adoptée: Commentaires généraux.

19 February 2002 External T.I. 2002-0116535 - subs. 75(2) arising as consequences of a will

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Principal Issues: Whether subsection 75(2) applies to four hypothetical situations involving trusts.

Position: General comments

Reasons: Wording of subsection 75(2) of the Income Tax Act.

Technical Interpretation - Internal

9 May 2002 Internal T.I. 2002-0118887 - STOCK OPTIONS

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Principal Issues:
For purposes of calculating the value of the taxable benefit under subsection 7(1), when is a share considered to have been acquired, on the record date or the date the shares are delivered?

Position: Shares are considered to be acquired on the date the shares are delivered.

Reasons: All attributes of ownership are not acquired until the date the shares are delivered.

6 May 2002 Internal T.I. 2002-0130787 - FARM SUPPORT PAYMENTS

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Principal Issues: Whether AGR-1slips must be issued for payments under PEI's Organic Certificate Assistance Program and Organic On-Farm Research Program pursuant to section 234 of the Income Tax Regulations.

Position: Yes.

Reasons: Payments under these programs constitute "farm support payments" as defined in subsection 234(2) of the Regulations.

2 May 2002 Internal T.I. 2002-0132877 F - DÉDUCTIBILITÉ DES INTÉRÊTS

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interest on borrowed money to acquire common shares generally deductible

Principales Questions: Positions de l'Agence, telles qu'elles existent présentement, concernant la déductibilité des intérêts sur de l'argent emprunté pour acheter des actions ordinaires et des actions privilégiées.

Position Adoptée: Ces positions font présentement l'objet d'un examen suite aux arrêts Ludco et Singleton.

2 May 2002 Internal T.I. 2002-0122607 F - BIENS A USAGE PERSONNEL

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effective severance for ITA purposes of land and building by Reg. 1102(2) does not apply to personal-use property
where Reg. 1102(2) does not apply, land and building are a single property generating a single gain

Principale Question:

Un contribuable vend son chalet à perte et le terrain qui s'y rattache à profit. Il réduit le gain en capital réalisé sur le terrain de la perte en capital subie sur le chalet. Est-ce que la disposition du chalet et du terrain résultera en un gain en capital sur le terrain et une perte en capital réputée nulle sur le chalet (BUP) ou est-ce que la perte en capital pourra réduire le gain en capital ?

Position Adoptée:.
Dans la présente situation, le contribuable dispose d'un seul bien sur lequel il réalisera un gain.

26 April 2002 Internal T.I. 2002-0136187 - PAYMENTS GUARDIANS MINOR CHILD

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3 6(1)(c)

Principal Issues: Whether an amount paid to the guardians of a minor child to cover the cost of the child's food, shelter, education, etc... is taxable.

Position: No.

Reasons: The amount paid to the guardians is for the personal care of a minor child; this type of payment is not income from any of the sources provided for in the Act.

26 April 2002 Internal T.I. 2002-0129707 F - FRAIS D'OUVERTURE DE COMPTE

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9(3) 20(1)bb)
admin fee on becoming a holder of shares that were not a source of property income was a non-deductible capital expenditure and ACB addition
admin fee for shares that generate only capital gains is an ACB addition
admin fee for shares that generate only capital gains cannot be deducted under s. 20(1)(bb)

Principales Questions:
Les frais administratifs de XXXXXXXXXX $ exigés au moment de l'ouverture d'un compte d'une société sont-ils des frais financiers pouvant être déduits dans le calcul du revenu de l'actionnaire.

Position Adoptée: Non

25 April 2002 Internal T.I. 2002-0131937 F - FRAIS D'EMPRUNT-EVALUATION ARPENTAGE

Unedited CRA Tags
cost of appraisal fee required by mortgage lender was deductible
Words and Phrases
in the course of

Principale Question:

Dans la situation où une institution financière exige un certificat de localisation et une évaluation de l'immeuble donné en garantie (2ième hypothèque), les frais encourus à cet égard sont-ils déductibles en vertu du sous-alinéa 20 (1)e)(ii) de la Loi?

Position Adoptée: Oui.


Les frais sont encourus dans le cadre d'un emprunt d'argent que le contribuable utilise en vue de tirer un revenu de bien.

Le 25 avril 2002

24 April 2002 Internal T.I. 2002-0127527 - SOCIAL ASSISTANCE

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56(1)(u) 110(1)(f) 233(1)

Principal Issues: Whether certain payments under the Choices for Youth program are "social assistance" and therefore included in income pursuant to paragraph 56(1)(u) of the Act such that T5007 information returns must be filed in respect of such amounts.

Position: The payments that are "social assistance" are included in income and T5007's must be filed.

Reasons: There are two different payments made to the youth. Those payments that are based on a "means, needs or income test" are "social assistance" and therefore included in income pursuant to paragraph 56(1)(u) of the Act and T5007's must be filed. Those payments that are a reimbursement of expenses are not "social assistance" and therefore not income and no T5007 needs to be filed.

22 April 2002 Internal T.I. 2002-0128467 F - Absence prolongée - Crédit emploi ETRAN

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123.3(1) 248(1)

Principale Question:

Une absence prolongée d'un particulier pour raison de maladie pourrait-elle interrompre la période admissible prévue à l'article 122.3 de la Loi?

Position Adoptée:

7 March 2002 Internal T.I. 2001-0114957 F - Fiducie de nouveaux arrivants

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s. 94(1)(b)(i)(A)(III) allowed a newcomer to defer FAPI recognition from non-resident trusts for 60 months

Principale Question : Existe-il une disposition dans la Loi de l'impôt sur le revenu (la "Loi") permettant aux nouveaux arrivants de créer une fiducie et d'être exonérés d'impôt durant une période de 5 ans?

Position Adoptée : La subdivision 94(1)b)(i)(A)(III) de la Loi permet qu'un nouvel arrivant puisse différer l'imposition de revenu étranger accumulé tiré de bien de fiducies non-résidentes pour une période de 60 mois

12 February 2002 Internal T.I. 2002-0119057 F - Perte du décédé et intérêt

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161(7)(b)(ii) 164(6)
“subsequent taxation year” here and in s. 161(7)(a)(iv.2) refers to the first taxation year of the estate

Principale Question:

Est-ce que le jour visé par le sous-alinéa 161(7)b)(ii) de la Loi est celui correspondant à la date de production de la déclaration de renseignements et de revenus des fiducies - T3?

Position Adoptée:

4 February 2002 Internal T.I. 2002-0118937 F - Calcul du paragraphe 86.1(3) de la Loi

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numerical example of operation of s. 86.1(3)

Principale Question : Demande d'interprétation de l'article 86.1 de la Loi de l'impôt sur le revenu (la "Loi").

Position Adoptée : Question d'ordre général.